Neelibringadi Oil- for Lustrous, Voluminous Tresses

Everyone likes to flaunt their tresses, be it short or long, curly or straight. Healthy hair is the dream of everyone. But with today's polluted environment, to maintain healthy tresses is a challenge. Most suffer from significant issues like hair fall, split ends, rough hair, and other hair damages. The market is laden with all kinds of anti-products, anti-hair fall, anti-dandruff, to name a few. After using these products, the side effects are unimaginable as they are full of sulphates, parabens, etc. And in the other end, you have ayurvedic products like Neelibringadi, which nourishes the hair from the roots, making them healthy and strong and at the same time giving a natural shine to your curls. Neelibringadi oil is a mixture of herbs and ayurvedic oils that enhance hair growth by strengthening the hair follicles' root and preventing premature greying and dandruff. The presence of pure herbal extracts helps treat diseases that affect the hair and the scalp.


The preparation of the Neelibringadi oil is based on the famous Keraliya Ayurveda Classical Text "Sahasrayogam".

The ingredients involved in this oil are Neeli (Indigofera tinctoria), Bhringaraj (Eclipta prostrata), Shatakrathulatha (Cardiospermum halicacabum), Amla, Coconut milk, Goat milk, Buffalo milk, Cow milk, Licorice, Gunja roots, Anjana. The base oil may be either sesame oil or coconut oil. When coconut oil is used as the base, it is called Neelibringadi keram.

Role of the key ingredients

  • Neeli (Indigofera tinctoria) promotes hair growth resulting in thick, strong, shiny and healthy hair.
  • Bhringaraj (Eclipta prostrata) involves strengthening the hair root to improve the hair's growth and prevents premature greying and hair fall.
  • Amla ( Phyllanthus emblica) rich in antioxidants and vitamin C helps strengthen the hair and scalp and prevents baldness and hair fall.
  • Shatakrathulatha (Cardiospermum halicacabum) improves hair growth and prevents itchiness, scalp infection.

Pharmacological Characteristics

Neelibringadi oil is considered as one of the unique formulations of Ayurveda as it contains the following pharmacological characteristics
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antipruritic
  • Hair growth stimulant
  • Anti-inflammatory

How to use?

This oil is for external application only. You can massage the oil onto your scalp half an hour before bath or be applied overnight followed by hair wash in the morning.

How it works?

Shesha's Neelibringadi oil acts on the Anagen phase of hair growth. In the Anagen phase, cells in the hair root divide rapidly forming new hair. Neelibringadi oil activates cell division of the hair root and helps in the regrowth of the hair.


  • 100% herbal and natural
  • No added fragrance or colour
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Prevents hair fall and baldness
  • Treats premature greying
  • Improves the quality of the hair
  • Treats split ends and breakage of the hair
  • Strengthens the scalp
  • Gives sound sleep by soothing the brain and nervous system
  • Regular usage of this oil cures eye disease due to heavy heat.

“NeeliBringadi” is a recommended hair treatment oil prescribed in Ayurveda for hair growth, premature greying, prevent hair loss and dandruff. Our Neeli Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment Oil is made using premium Extra Virgin Coconut oil (from Kerala) and is formulated without any artificial colors, parabens, sulphates, essential oils, perfumes etc.

Excellent to control postpartum hairfall, dandruff, scalp itchiness, hairloss problems etc.

Ingredients: Based on an old age ayurvedic formula; Our Neelibringadi hair treatment oil is made of Indigo (Nilini), Bhringraj, Balloon Vine (Indravalli), Virgin Coconut Oil (premium quality Grade 1), Liquorice (Yashtimadhu), Indian gooseberry (amla), Rosary Pea Root (Kakadantika), Indian Barberry (Daruharidra), Coconut milk, Milk - Cows Milk, Goat's Milk, Bufallo's Milk, Camphor

The main factor which makes us different from other oils in the market is

  • Our base is virgin coconut oil
  • No essential oils used in the formulation
  • Based on ayurvedic reference text, sahsasrayogam
Why go for chemical products when you have the right ayurvedic products handy which do not cause harm. Shesha's Neelibringadi oil from Kerala is one of its kind, prepared with utmost care to nourish your precious locks.
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