How to give yourself a Spa-Like Treatment at Home

How to give yourself a Spa-Like Treatment at Home

Our body needs relaxation, especially after a tiring week of work at home, house chores or juggling between kids, work, and chores. Only when the body is relaxed does the body, mind and soul be in harmony.

What would anyone think of at the end of a tiring week? Yes, it's to hit the spa and get relaxed while your skin gets relaxed. But, in the current scenario, many people either do not have access to a nearby spa or doubt the precautionary measures taken and hence abstain from hitting the spa.

What if we can pamper ourselves with a spa-like effect at home. While we think to do an at home spa-like facial, it's better if we embrace the 5000 old science, Ayurveda, the master in body-mind soul wellness.

What can we do?

To obtain a spa-like treatment at home, you can follow a few simple steps

Create the spa effect

The first and foremost thing you can do is to create the spa effect. You don't have to involve in expensive things for that. All you have to do is light up some scented candles or a diffuser with your favorite essential oil, play your favorite music or relax music. Also, make yourselves a herbal tea. And, a big no to your phone all the while. Imagine the scented candles, music, and herbal tea, doesn't the thought itself bring you relaxation???

Body brushing

Brushing your body tones and firms the skin. It also helps improve circulation. People with thick oily skin can choose a dry brush, and for dry or sensitive skin go for a gharshana glove—massage upwards with a circular motion from the feet to the heart.


An Ayurvedic facial starts with cleansing

Do not forget your crown

A good scalp massage improves blood circulation. You can do this for yourselves or ask anyone to do this for you.

Do not forget your eyes

Soak cotton pads in rose water, lie down, close your eyes and keep on each eyelids. Rest as such for 10-15 minutes.

Body massage (Abhyanga)

Abhyanga or self-body massage makes your skin elastic, soft, and hydrated. A self massage encourages healthy circulation and detoxification. You can use Nalpamaradi thailam, Eladi thailam, or extra virgin coconut oil. Take a few drops and massage gently onto your skin. You don't have to wait for your spa day to do abhyanga, and you can practice it daily. A little self care goes a long way.

Massage powders

After an oil massage, you can go for massage powders to remove the excess oils. While using a dry powder, you can go for a single ingredient like rice flour, oatmeal, chickpea flour, or a combination of elements consisting of herbs and powdered flowers. Gently rub a small amount of dry powder all over and wash off. Suppose you wish to use soaps instead of dry powders. In that case, there are authentic Ayurvedic soaps like Devathali leaf soap, mud soap from Shesha Ayurveda.


Fill your tub with lukewarm water, light on the candles, or use a diffuser. Soak yourselves in the warm water, and this relaxes your body. Pat dry with a soft towel.

A little amount of self love and care goes a long way making us physically and mentally healthy.

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